Hello BITeam,

Happy Fri~yay! Just checking in- How are you doing? May is Mental Health Awareness Month! This national month of awareness and action has been recognized since 1949, as mental health activists and practitioners across the country work to spread the word that mental health is something everyone should care about.  Mental Health Month always aims to eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness by raising awareness of mental health conditions and those who have them. Attached are some resources shared with us from Delta Center.~ https://www.samhsa.gov/mental-health-awareness-month


[http://www.samhsa.gov-%20It’s%20okay%20not%20be%20okay]www.samhsa.gov- It’s okay not be okay

Good Good Good Celebrate National Mental Health

NAMI Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health America


Presidential Proclamation

During National Mental Health Awareness Month, we honor the absolute courage of the tens of millions of Americans living with mental health conditions, and we celebrate the loved ones and mental health professionals who are there for them every day.

May 2017 Resources - Mental Health Awareness Month

National Teacher Spotlight: Next week 5/6-5/10 is National Teacher Appreciation week! And National Teacher Day on May 7th. We have a lot of employees that work across different environments as teachers, school aides, and school administrators. Teacher Appreciation Day is described by the NEA, which spearheads the weeklong event, as a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.

TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK - May 1-7, 2022 - National Today

BIS 20 Year Spotlight: BIS is celebrating 20 years of service this year! Come and celebrate with us on June 7th with good food, games, and great fun!!

When: Friday, 6/7/24

Time: 11:00am-3:00pm

Food Truck: 12pm-2pm

Where: 2961 Adie Rd. St. Ann, MO 63074

RSVP: HR Director @Jamie Klamert (jklamert@bis-stl.com)

20 Year Anniversary Celebration Logo ...

Tiers for Success Spotlight: We are excited to announce a new and exciting opportunity for DHSS and DSP career advancement within our organization. The Tiers to Success process will present a unique chance for individuals who have demonstrated exceptional skills, commitment, and leadership qualities to further contribute to their own knowledge and skills within the direct support roles we provide with our clients. It also presents an opportunity for wage increases upon each stage of completion. Please review the attached documents for information on how to sign up and become eligible for the Tiers to Success and the pay increases.

1.       Frequently asked questions about the BIS Tiers to Success

2.       Relias MODD DSP Comptency Modules (This is the list of eligible courses for training)

If you have any questions or need further information about the application process, please feel free to reach out to Jamie Klamert, HR Director (jklamert@bis-stl.com) or Sheena Cole, Staff Training Coordinator (scole@bis-stl.com) .

How to Create Career Paths for Employees | ATD

Policy Spotlight:

401 Timekeeping & DPN’s


Effective Date: 1/1/2015

Revision Date: 12/10/2019

Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every nonexempt employee. Federal and state laws require BIS to keep an accurate record of time worked in order to calculate employee pay and benefits. Time worked is all the time actually spent on the job performing assigned duties specific to the clients to whom they provide services. Daily Progress Notes (DPNs) are required to be completed for every shift in order to accurately report the time worked for each client. Some DPNs may be online and will require access to the internet in order to complete. All positions within the agency require that the employee have internet access (either through their personal phone or computer) in order to qualify for any position.


Variable hour or part time (nonexempt) employees will typically be schedule up to 29 hours per week and will be required to work nights and weekends as necessary. All time reported should be accurately recorded in 15-minute increments. They should also record the beginning and ending time of any split shift or departure from work for personal reasons. Any changes to the posted and approved schedule should be reported to the supervisor of that client as soon as possible and preferably with prior written consent.


Altering, falsifying, tampering with time records, or recording time on another employee’s time record may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


All employees (part time and full time hourly, nonexempt and salaried, exempt) should report to work no more than 7 minutes prior to their scheduled starting time nor stay more than 7 minutes after their scheduled stop time without expressed, prior authorization from their supervisor.


Approved BIS time sheets should be turned in based on the following formula:


·         All clients will have a Daily Progress Note (DPN) that must be filled out completely each shift, per the guidelines of their department. DPNs per client may differ in terms of the type of information that is documented, however, DPNs are always to be completed “live” (Meaning that the information cannot be completed until the activity or skill in question has been completed by the client), prior to staff leaving their shift for the day and during the allotted time frame for the shift.

·         All DPNs should include the following information:

·         client’s full name including middle initial and/or date of birth

·         Date of service provided

·         time in and time out, coinciding with the scheduled shift time from When to Work/Set Works.

·         Any activity completed by the client, denoting any issues or problems with the activity, the length of the activity and the client’s success or difficulty with any given item during that day.

·         any client specific goals as outlined by their support plans.

·      Employees that work with a Natural Home client must complete their Daily Progress Notes for each client through the electronic DPN system and/or approved scheduling/timekeeping program after each shift. Access to these systems will be provided to each employee by management.

·         Failure to complete a DPN for any shift within 72 hours from the end of the shift will result in discretionary discipline from their supervisor up to and including termination for repeated offenses, including a delay pay for that pay period.

·         Any DPN’s not completed within 72 hours will be at Missouri’s minimum wage.

·         Written or picture submission of DPNs will only be accepted in the event that the electronic DPN web site is down and only with prior approval by authorized scheduling supervisor of that client.


Failure to follow any time sheet policy may result in disciplinary action. Late time sheets and/or DPN’s are not tolerated by any employee (part time or full time).  


DPN’s will be reviewed on a bi-weekly basis and compared to the employee’s monthly posted schedule for accuracy and content. Any discrepancies, failure to report a change or inaccuracies between the two items will be subject to disciplinary action.

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