Bloodborne Pathogens Test

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Date of Birth*

Bloodborne Pathogens Questionnaire

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1. There is currently no vaccination available for Hepatitis B.*
2. Blood is the only bodily fluid that can carry pathogens.*
3. It is important to understand and follow your employer's policies regarding bloodborne pathogens.*
4. The relative risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens is great. However, once exposed the diseases are not that serious*
5. AIDS is caused by which virus?*
6. Biological hazardous waste bags should be what color?*
7. Personal protective equipment is an important line of defense against exposure to bloodborne pathogens.*
8. How often should Exposure Control Plans be reviewed and updated?*
9. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C attack which organ.*
10. Universal Precautions means treating bodily fluids as if they are known to be infectious.
11. There are only 3 bloodborne diseases.*
12. The Hepatitis B Vaccination has been proven to prevent the disease in approximately what percentage of those receiving the vaccine.*
13. Disposable PPE can be reused if it is properly decontaminated.*
14. All persons infected with a bloodborne pathogen will begin showing symptoms soon after infection.*
15. PPE should be selected based upon the types of exposure that are reasonably anticipated.*
16. It is the responsibility of the employees to provide PPE for themselves?
17. Hand washing is an important part of disease prevention.*
18. Contaminated waste should immediately be placed in the nearest wastebasket.*
19. An incident report should only be completed if you do not know whose blood you were exposed to.*
20. The Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act requires the use of safer needles and disposal containers.*