"*" indicates required fields This field is hidden when viewing the formToday's Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Name* First Last Email* Abuse & Neglect QuestionnairePlease check all boxes that apply1. Afternoon support staff arrives and discovers an individual lying in a urine soaked bed. The individual appears to be lethargic and has shortness of breath. The notes from the previous shifts say the individual has been like this all night and day. Afternoon support staff contact 9-1-1. Support staff from the previous shifts could be investigated for what type of abuse?* Physical Abuse Neglect Verbal Abuse Sexual Abuse 2. What observation would lead support staff to report the suspicion of Sexual Abuse?* Burns (possibly caused by cigarettes). Malnourished or dehydrated with sudden weight loss. Bleeding, bruising, infection, scarring or irritation to a person’s genitals, rectum, mouth or breasts. Staff opens credit cards in consumer’s name. 3. When do you report Abuse and Neglect?* When you have proof As soon as you see, hear or suspect something you think might be abuse or neglect. When someone else witnessed the event too. When you know what you witnessed was abuse or neglect. 4. Support staff takes individual's debit card to purchase food for support staff's family. This is considered what type of abuse?* Physical Abuse Neglect Misuse of Consumer Funds/Property Sexual Abuse 5. If support staff fails to report suspected incidents of abuse or neglect, they could be criminally prosecuted as well as disciplined?* True False 6. The individual refuses to wash dishes as the support staff instructed. Support staff slaps the individual across the face. Which definition of abuse or neglect would most likely apply?* Sexual Abuse Neglect Verbal Abuse Physical Abuse 7. A consumer must be injured for Neglect to occur?* True False 8. Support staff has ordered a pizza and is eating it in front of an individual while working. The individual attempts to grab a piece of support staff's pizza. Support staff says, If you touch my pizza I am going to break your finger." Ths is an example of what type of abuse?* Misuse of consumer funds/property Neglect Verbal Abuse Physical Abuse 9. Choose the factor that does NOT make people with disabilities a target for abuse/neglect.* Fear caregiver will hurt them if they report. People with disabilities have difficulties communicating. May not be aware being abused. Having an advocate or friend who will speak up for the person. 10. Who is a mandated reporter?* Agency Director Service Coordinator Agency Support Staff All of the Above 11. After the investigation report is received, abuse and neglect is substantiated and there is no appeal, the decision made by the Regional Office Director is final.* True False 12. A disqualifying event which results in an employee being prohibited to work in any facility licensed, certified or funded by DDD, is defined as follows:* Substantiated charge of Neglect, Misuse of Funds/Property, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, or Verbal Abuse. 2 counts of Verbal Abuse, 2 counts of Neglect, or 1 count of Verbal Abuse and 1 count of Neglect in a 12 month period. None of the above. An employee cannot be ‘disqualified’ from working for an agency. 13. An individual reports to you that they witnessed morning support staff hitting their roommate. As a mandated reporter you will:* Ask the morning staff member who allegedly his the roommate if this is a true statement. Immediately report the incident as outlined in your agency’s policy. Keep the information to your so as not to ‘rock the boat’ with your co-worker. Ask the roommate who was apparently hit if this is a true statement. 14. Support staff serves an individual French Fries when there is a physician orders stating that the individual should only have a puree diet. The individual chokes on the French Fries and support staff must perform the Heimlich manuever. This could be investigated for what type of abuse?* Misuse of Consumer Funds/Property Neglect Verbal Abuse Physical Abuse 15. If a person is found knowingly filing a false report of abuse or neglect, that person could be guilty of a Class A Misdemeanor?* True False 16. There must be evidence of rape for Sexual Abuse to be substantiated?* True False 17. What are proactive ways to prevent abuse and neglect against individuals?* Educating individuals we support on the reporting process. Assisting individuals to have an effective way to communicate their concerns or issues. Individuals having interaction/communication with someone other than support staff. All of the above. CAPTCHA